“Bent Larsen and Bobby Fischer enjoying themselves during the 1966 Piatigorsky Cup in Santa Monica, in the garden of the patrons Jacqueline and Gregory Piatigorsky.”
“Reshevsky vs Fischer Los Angeles 1966.”
Piatigorsky Cup, Santa Monica
“Each player played each other twice in this tournament format.”
(Undetermined) 1966?
“Spassky was confident he would beat Fischer based on his positive score prior to the match. Above is their bout from the Olympiad in 1966.”
“Bobby Fischer competes in the Piatigorsky Cup matches in 1966.”
“Jacqueline Piatigorsky with Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky Following a Game in the 1966 Piatigorsky Cup Tournament 1966”
“Jacqueline Piatigorsky with Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky Following a Game in the 1966 Piatigorsky Cup Tournament 1966”
“Unknown Date”
“Unknown Date”
“Bobby Fischer, Novena ronda de la Copa Piatigorsky 1966”
“Bobby Fischer vs Borislav Ivkov, 2nd Piatigorsky Cup in 1966, with Miguel Najdorf, Lajos Portisch, Bent Larsen and Wolfgang Unzicker. The second and final tournament in the series was held July to August 1966 at the Mirimar Hotel, Santa Monica.”