The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Thursday, July 28, 1966 - Page 24
Petrosian and Fischer Lose Chess Matches
World chess champion Tigran Petrosian of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. champion Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, N.Y., were both defeated Wednesday in a remarkable exhibition of masterly chess in the seventh round of the Piatigorsky Cup Chess Tournament at the Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica.
Most sensational was the downfall of Petrosian at the hands of Bent Larsen of Denmark. Larsen gave up his queen to capture a pawn which apparently was firmly protected.
The result was a direct attack on the champion's king by Larsen's two rooks and bishops. Their combined power threatened to force a check-mate. Petrosian resigned on the 30th move.
Fischer was defeated in 31 moves by Miguel Najdorf of Argentina. Playing the black pieces, Fischer advanced pawns on both wings, but weakened his center squares in the process.
Najdorf advanced his knights. finding good posts deep in Fischer's territory. Fischer was unable to avoid all the threats, finally losing a piece.
Boris Spassky of the U.S.S.R. outplayed Borislav Ivkov of Yugoslavia to score a point after 36 moves.
Two games resulted in routine draws, between Jan Donner of Holland and Lajos Portisch of Hungary in 36 moves, and between Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany and Samuel Reshevsky of Spring Valley, N.Y. in 22 moves.
Larsen and Spassky are in the lead with scores of 4½—2½, Najdorf and Portisch follow with 4—3.
Other totals are Reshevsky, 3½—2½; Donner, Fischer and Unzicker, 3—4; Petrosian, 2½—4½; and Ivkov, 2—4.
The eighth round will be played at 6:30 p.m. today at the Miramar. The pairings will be: Spassky vs. Fischer, Petrosian vs. Najdorf, Reshevsky vs. Larsen, Portisch vs. Unzicker, and Ivkov vs. Donner.